Online Program Terms of Use Agreement and Liability Disclaimer.
This online program inclusive of all videos, documents and other associated content has been produced by West Coast Performance Nutrition. When you enroll in our program you agree to the Terms of Use and Liability Waiver.
The information contained in this program is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a replacement for medical advice. Any specific nutrition problems or inadequacies should be addressed in an individual consultation with a Registered Dietitian. Any medical problems should be reviewed with a physician.
The information in this program is intended for athletes aged 14 and older who are looking to improve performance through an increased understanding of sports nutrition principles. Know that while we work hard to provide up to date, evidenced-based information, we do not make any representations about the accuracy, reliability, or suitability with respect to program or webpage content. The information in our individual programs is not exhaustive and may not be appropriate for all individuals. Your participation in our programs is at your own risk.
Enrolling in one or more of our online programs grants you access to educational videos and associated materials. The videos and associated materials are for your own personal use. No materials are permitted to be saved or copied for the purpose of redistribution or publication.
Our online programs may contain references to products or materials from a third-party. Please know that any reference to third-party products or services is made as part of our professional opinion and does not imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation.